Wednesday, June 15, 2011

California Bound

We're heading out to California in about 7 hours. It's going to be one full and crazy weekend. My youngest brother is graduating from high school, it will be my birthday, my younger brother is getting married, it will be Father's Day, and we're gonna try to see as many people as we possibly can inbetween all that. Pretty sure there won't be room for anything else!

So here's to an awesome time, perfect weather, and lovely people.

Let's do this!

PS - I will most definitely take a swim in the Pacific Ocean. My body is depending on me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Willem Once Said (2)

"The goal, ultimately, is to be fully yourself in Christ - then, it doesn't matter what you do."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pentecost Sunday

If Jesus Christ is true then I am mostly lies.
If Jesus Christ is love then I have failed to try.
If Jesus Christ is life then please just let me die.
Let this die.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

All Downhill From Here

Last day of work at the animal hospital tomorrow. Bittersweet? When I told them in January I was looking for work in other places they graciously let me stay on, until it was time for them to finally bite the bullet and hire someone to take my place. That happened on the second of May. So tomorrow is the tenth of June. And tomorrow I say goodbye. Goodbye to the place where I spent the majority of the past nineteen months. Bittersweet is a perfect description.

Where does that leave me?

I feel like at the very beginning, once again.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Downfall of Civilization

We all say we'll start blogging more. We all say we'll write until our minds are numb, our fingers blue. And then we log onto Facebook, check out what all our friends are up to - and then leave the computer in search of food.

I hate Facebook.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June Already?

Let's run into the ocean.

You know that feeling when you're running on the sand, just before your feet hit the rippling tide as it rises and falls along the shoreline? You don't care what the temperature will be, it's too hot out anyway to ever have water be "too cold." Your feet kick the surface of the water, sending outburts of splashes back where it came from. And before you know it the water is to your ankles, your knees, and you dive dive dive into the crashing waves.

There's nothing quite like it.