Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Heart Strings

So I've been busy late then, I suppose it what it comes down to.

In all seriousness..

I have my good days.
I have my bad days.
I have my great days.
I have my sad days.

Life is so completely different that I ever expected it to be. I'm trying to hold fast to the truth that this is a good thing, but there are times when I want (want isn't the right word, but I don't know what is) to go back to the way things were. Comfortable. But then I write this down, or I think about all the stipulations that includes, and it's the farthest thing I could ever want for my life.

It's tough when the majority of people you love more than anyone else are not where you are. Maybe this only expands our hearts. Maybe it only causes you to long for a day when you will all be together. Maybe, just maybe, we actually catch a glimpse of learning how to long for what we're made for.

Something to think about.

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